How To Change The Color Of A Shirt In Photoshop in 5 minutes

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How To Change The Color Of A Shirt In Photoshop in 5 minutes. Learn details from here get the tutorials and get video and learn a to z. advanced level works. there is a lot of ways to brand image editing and work with color correction services. I wanted to show the way for simple tips and step to do the jobs. Definitely, you enjoy the services. Here are some tips to allow technical guides that are awesome to grow your hand expert level. Stay with me and watch the video to get the concept.

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Step 1 . Do the selection by the selection tool

You know how to open the image in photoshop, you are fresher learn it now. Go to the file and open the images. Now took the basic tool and try to follow the step next, Because this tool is a very simple and quick selection for the images. Make sure sometimes you may not use the selection tool if your background is white and the product or object is white. then you must need to path accurate.

Step 2. Do the perfect selection for the remove unnecessary selection zone.

Now you have selections tools and just drag on around the product to check all around the path selection. Make a note, you can not play overall images. Sometimes image’s background is shadowed or difficult to use the selection tools. How you will understand, When you apply the tool that is not selected properly a;ll around the images then think it may not work well. in the selection, you can use the Pen tool to Clipping path service Photoshop. I mean path can give you the right works.

Step 3. Do the group mask the selection area

Checklist the image below that has the right light in the red box. they have just masked the layer. It follows the video the look it has bottom f the layer box, clicks the mask box then get it may mask. In this way, do it at a minimum of five times if you are very bigger, If you are advanced level hand so good to try another shortcut way or so quickly to do the mask.

Step 4. Cut the color pattern from the image.

Now the pointcut the dress part or texture that may be used the match the color. I wanted to show it because the concept is the main issue to learning it, tools are very simple for you. But concept delivering is the hardest apr of learning photoshop. if your ideas are very easy you can not forget them anymore.

Step 5. Make a color swatch by selection tool

Took a color box by selecting a box or tools box that makes drag and it will come to a box in all selections. Then do the color by Keywords or from the color plate. I recommend you used your own easiest way you can.

I am sure you have a question.

If you do not have any things curiosity why this color box.

The answer is that we are working on the sample color code in our dress. So do your best try to make a box and remember you see this color for the end of the work in our dress. I am sure you all can do this after completing the work. This is the way I applied for hard jobs. Because color correction is a simple concept and nothing else.

Step 6. Do the hue saturation

Do the saturation change by the color box. and check out how to do this. go to the color of the bottom part in the layer box. Then you change color Hue saturation nicely. No one can do this overall color correction. Even in the UK and USA We are not good and have enough time to learn it or do it, So that lot of the photographers are busy with it. And we had items for than success the work professionally.

Step 7. Check the level for color balance

Check the level. This is the end of the process step and does it by you. If you’re not understanding the point so look at the video carefully and noted. Then try it to cover all. You will adjust the pix very fast and slowly try to come out with the result.

Step 8. Match the color that You want.

How To Change The Color Of A Shirt In Photoshop, Check out yours oned what happened. It is natural color p[rocess may be all will do. The room was not building a day so you are making innovating eCommerce color correction and need to do the clipping path service to do the color correction.

How To Change The Color Of A Shirt In Photoshop. I am sure you learn how to do any color correction from any object or product and shirt. Get an offer discount if you have project color correction jobs